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Each song on both CD’s is available individually in MP3 format. Click on the MP3 link next to any song title to listen to the song with your browser’s default music player (often QuickTime, Real Audio, or Windows Media Player). You can download the song to your local computer by “right-clicking” on the MP3 link and selecting “Save Target As…” (or “Save Link As…” depending on your browser). Once downloaded to your computer, you can copy the music files to your MP3 player or load them in iTunes to save to your iPod or iPhone.


ohev recordings

Torah, Haftarah, Tallit Blessings

Ohev Shalom of Bucks County
Cantor Annelise Ocanto-Romo

Track Listing & Downloads »

Gan (K) Kesher (1st grade) Mechina (2nd grade) Prayers/Blessings

Track Listing & Downloads 

Aleph (3rd grade) Prayers

Track Listing & Downloads

Bet (4th grade) Prayers

Track Listing & Downloads

Gimel (5th grade) Prayers

Track Listing & Downloads

Daled (6th grade) Prayers

Track Listing & Downloads


Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784